Watching vs Reading – the new paradigm shift

I like reading, speaking and writing, not so much watching and listening.

It’s a realisation that has just dawned on me this year. Boom!

We are bombarded daily by Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube videos. We are asked to view from a few minutes to over an hour. Time is precious so we scroll rapidly watching snippets, laughing at funny animal clips and wondering about all those pouting girls.

Video on social platforms is so popular but I never seem to find the time to watch any of it. Do you feel the same? You click on the Watch Later button and then you never watch it. It’s better for me to commit time to watching something Live. Better yet, I prefer to read the transcript. It takes me less time and I glean better information.

I tried a Notetaker app for my Zoom meetings and whilst it recorded the whole meeting and developed a good transcript. I find taking written notes and typing them up later much more effective. I remember the conversation through the writing exercise.

I would rather read a book or article than watch TV most of the time

There are 7 kinds of learning style according to experts:

  • Visual (spatial) Learners.
  • Aural (audio) Learners.
  • Physical (tactile) Learners.
  • Verbal Learners (aka Linguistic Learners)
  • Logical (analytical) Learners.
  • Social Learners (aka Linguistic Learners)
  • Solo Learners.
  • Natural/ Nature Learners.

I am clearly a Linguistic Learner. Linguistic learners, which are also known as verbal learners, work best with words. For linguistic learners, recommended approaches include reading, writing and telling stories.

That’s what I enjoy the most – reading, writing, telling stories.

It makes me full of GLEE.

Verbal Learners enjoy rhymes and wordplay and last week I came up with a rhyme for my networking marketing moment based on a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson called “The Swing”. I also love swings rather than slides or roundabouts. Analyse that!

I am really interested in Lifelong Learning and it is part of my GLEE philosophy. This learning helps me to communicate with others in the best way and operate effectively. What kind of learner are you? For a conversation on this topic you are welcome to #JustAskLinda

Enjoy puzzles? I do!

We grow the most when we face challenges. Through questions and exercises, I provide insights to puzzle out solutions to your business challenges In my work, I am mentor, coach, adviser and cheerleader for my business clients.

GLEE is my own personal philosophy for business and life. 

Grow, Learn, Empower, Enjoy.

Let me show you how to Grow with GLEE!

Linda Dent

CEO & Founder

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