Linda Dent sitting at her desk holding a just ask linda mug

The Hero’s Journey Part 2 – a story for business owners, start-ups and entrepreneurs

Today I would like to tell you a story almost but not quite like the children’s fable of the Hare and the Tortoise
A story of two individuals. Let’s call them Prajesh and Manesh
Prajesh and Manesh both planned to go on a journey. They knew they needed a guide to consult before setting out on their journey.
Each of them approached the guide and asked “What do I need to know before I set out on my journey to greatness?”
The Guide asked them just one question: How much time will you spend preparing for the journey? 
Manesh replied “I have no time to prepare. I must get to my destination by the end of the year” 
When asked the same question, Prajesh thought a bit and replied “what are the most important things I need to do before I leave?”
Manesh set off immediately but experienced many difficulties, refused the help of friends and strangers, got lost taking the wrong paths and finally returned home after never reaching greatness with no money and no possessions.
Prajesh set off 3 months later after consulting with the guide as well as his friends and family. 
He packed the provisions he needed plus a little extra for a rainy day, checked the weather conditions, planned a route and a Plan B route and set off at a steady pace. He took time at the end of each day to reflect on his progress and adjust his plan for the next day.
He reached his destination well before the end of the year and used the time to explore and enjoy this new place whilst planning the next part of his journey.
The moral of this story is that you will only succeed if you take time to plan, prepare and listen to the advice of others who have travelled the same road before you.
Until next time Its Just Ask Linda

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