Reflections from Champagne Castle

Last week my husband and I were enjoying a relaxing break in the South African Drakensberg mountains. We stayed at our favourite place, Champagne Castle Hotel and soaked up the view and the Winter sunshine.

What was different from other times we had been there?

I noticed a slowing down, in the way we ate the delicious food, walked the winding paths through the forest, turned our faces to the sun more, stopped to listen to the birds and enjoy the views. Perhaps we are getting older and maybe a little wiser, but I really revelled in this slowness.

We all need to recharge our batteries from time to time but I believe since COVID19 we are all seeking more of this down time in our lives.

Several conversations with my ‘younger’ clients and ‘older’ associates have reinforced that view. The rat race is just not for humans anymore.

Can we all just slow down a bit and pause occasionally from the relentless drive to sell, market, post social media comments, make money, get worked up about the news, being busy.

How often do you ask somebody “How are you ?” and they answer

“Busy, busy, busy, I have so much to do this week” ?

Often right?

These reflections led me to read about ‘Slow Living’ and the Scandinavian way of being, a concept called Hygge.

Hygge is a Danish and Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment.

That’s exactly how I felt snuggled up next to a roaring fire in the lounge at Champagne Castle.

The challenge I put to you is to reflect on your busyness.

Is everything you do absolutely essential to your wellbeing?

Are you living your values?

Do you know your values?

Are you being directed/distracted by others?

Can you slow down a bit and move more intentionally, enjoying life?

What has this to do with business? Everything!

The more you know and honour yourself, the more success you will have in your business or career. I know it!

For a conversation on this topic you are welcome to #JustAskLinda

Enjoy puzzles? I do!

We grow the most when we face challenges. Through questions and exercises, I provide insights to puzzle out solutions to your business challenges In my work, I am mentor, coach, adviser and cheerleader for my business clients.

GLEE is my own personal philosophy for business and life. 

Grow, Learn, Empower, Enjoy.

Let me show you how to Grow with GLEE!

Linda Dent

CEO & Founder

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